Política de privacidad y seguridad
This Service Provision Agreement, Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy is an agreement concluded between you (USER), qualified at the time of registering or contracting the RoyalPix Services, and Royal Pix Empreendimentos Online Eireli M.E., a private legal entity incorporated under the laws of Brazil, CNPJ nº 28.312.053/0001-67, headquartered at Avenida Curitiba, 831, 1º. Andar, sala 01, Apucarana/PR (ROYAL Pix), and regulates the terms and conditions to provide you with RoyalPix Services.
Clause 1 - PURPOSEThe object of the present contract is to regulate the relationship between you, USER, and ROYAL Pix, in relation to all the services provided by ROYAL Pix through the registration of USER in an account of the services of intermediation of virtual credits, establishing Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy that bind both parties.
§ 1º. It is a condition of membership and use of the account that you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy hereby instituted, which form a legally binding contract between you, the USER, and ROYAL Pix, from the moment you sign up to become a User.
§ 2º. The contract signed extends to all associated companies or members of ROYAL Pix's business group, not being limited to the legal entity to which the USER is directly linked.
§ 3º. The provisions of this contract apply fully and indistinctively from the moment of adhesion to the terms and conditions, conditioning the beginning, the conduction and the conclusion of any relations between the parties, and the fulfillment of all contractual provisions established between them.
§ 4º. You, USER, understand that the services of intermediation of virtual credits are object of your contract with ROYAL Pix do not constitute financial services, and that the user accounts are not bank accounts, not applying to your relations with ROYAL Pix any provisions relating to the financial or banking market.
§ 5º. As permitted by art. 107 of the Civil Code, by checking the option "I have read and agree with the terms of Royal Pix's contract" on the form provided by ROYAL Pix, via Internet, when creating your account, you, USER, are declaring to have read and accepted, without reservations, all clauses and conditions of this contract; therefore, the Contract for Rendering of Services, Terms and Conditions of Use, and Privacy Policy constitute a binding legal document between you, USER, and ROYAL Pix, and the Contract shall govern your use of our services in any event.
§ 6º. You may review the current Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy before entering into any transaction at any time by clicking on the "Terms and Conditions of Use" and "Privacy Policy" page on the website that can be visited at
https://royalPix.com/politica-privacidade.html and at https://royalPix.com/politica-privacidade.html as of the date of these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and you represent that you have full access to such documents and have had the opportunity to print and save a copy of the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy for future reference.
§ 7º. You, USER, declare to have full knowledge that your eligibility, in other words, the possibility of you using the services of ROYAL Pix, is conditioned to I - being a user with an active and approved account; II - not violating these Terms and Conditions of Use or, in any other way, having the access to your account restricted, nor having had any previous account closed by ROYAL Pix.
Clause 2 - STATEMENTSBy accepting fully and unreservedly the present contract, especially in the terms referred to in Paragraph 5 of Clause 1, you, USER, declare without any reservations that
- you, USER, are an adult and capable person, fully empowered for any acts of civil life, under the legislation applicable to you in the jurisdiction of your residence;
- your acceptance of ROYAL Pix services is for a lawful and possible purpose;
- your acceptance of ROYAL Pix's services is done freely and without restraint, without any situation of coercion, pressure from any person, error, simulation or state of danger; IV - you, USER, are the only addressee of the services of ROYAL Pix, not acting as an intermediary or middleman for third parties;
- you, USER, were present in the act of creating the account with ROYAL Pix, especially in the act of checking the option "I have read and agree with the terms of contract of Royal Pix", and received immediate confirmation of acceptance or not of your registration;
- you, USER, are not resident or domiciled in any country where the services offered by ROYAL Pix are considered illegal;
- the addresses, phone numbers and e-mail informed when creating the account and in subsequent updates of the registration are active and are monitored by you;
- the addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses informed at the time of the creation of the account and in subsequent registration updates are active and are monitored by you, USER, with adequate frequency;
- you, USER, have complied and still comply with all our necessary procedures of validation and verification of identity and security.
Clause 3 - CUSTOMER SERVICEROYAL Pix permanently makes available to you, USER, the USER Service, through which you can solve your doubts and present requests about information, complaints, suspension or cancellation of services.
§ 1º. It is up to you, the USER, to properly access the USER's Customer Service, relying on the following options:
- online chat, available during business hours on ROYAL Pix's website, https://royalPix.com/;
- e-mail, to be forwarded by you, USER, to the address contato@royalpag.com.
§ 2º. Upon receiving your contact through the channels described in the previous paragraph, ROYAL Pix will immediately confirm the receipt of your demands by the same means employed by you, USER; in case the confirmation is not received, it will be exclusively up to you, USER, to re-submit the demand, since your contact was not received through our communication channels.
Clause 4 - OBLIGATIONS OF THE USERBy adhering, in the ways described, to the present contract and to the Terms and Conditions of Use that are part of it, you, USER, fully assume the following duties and obligations:
- to supply complete and updated information by means of the requests of the site in the process of registration, quotation, acquisition and redemption of credits, updates and other information provided;
- proceed with care and attention in the process of requesting the services of ROYAL Pix, entering accurate and truthful information, being solely responsible for this information;
- correctly inform the username of the site for which you requested the intermediation of credits, making sure to have checked and revised the correct text of the username;
- to fully maintain, for the entire duration of its relations with ROYAL Pix, the conditions set out in Clause 1 and the declarations made in Clause 2, with special attention to the regularity of its conduction with ROYAL Pix and other companies in the same industry;
- use the services of ROYAL Pix exclusively on its own behalf, never acting on behalf of a third party;
- taking all the necessary measures so that your username or password will not be used by someone else;
- never use the username or password of a third party, or allow a third party to use your username and password
- never change the machine's address, or the network or e-mail IP (Internet Protocol), in an attempt to blame or act on behalf of a third party or to conceal its identity or authorship;
- performs transactions only if he/she is economically able to afford the costs and expenses related to both the transactions performed and the use of ROYAL Pix services; X - observe all the legislation of your country applicable to the operations that you participate, so that you, USER, cannot perform illicit operations, contrary to morals or good customs, or that you know or should know are null or void;
- can never open more than one account, so ROYAL Pix may, without prior notice, close any or all accounts of a USER who has, or we may reasonably suspect has, unauthorized multiple accounts;
- promptly update your account details whenever your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, credit card or bank account information changes;
- never perform, through ROYAL Pix services, any of the activities prohibited or not accepted in this contract, especially the activities described in Annex I.
§ 1º. In view of the obligation of you, USER, to correctly inform the username on the site for which you request credits, under the terms of item III of this Clause, it is hereby defined that ROYAL Pix shall have no obligation to refund or re-credit made in incorrect accounts due to incorrect information about the username or any other data.
§ 2º. By obligation that you, USER, always keep the regular conditions and declarations provided, under the terms of item IV of this Clause, it is hereby defined that ROYAL Pix may withhold values and credits if you, USER, or any other depositor in your favor, have any pending issues with ROYAL Pix or any other company in the industry, or in any way fails to comply with the obligations established by this contract.
§ It is your, USER, and not ROYAL Pix's, responsibility to ensure that you only obtain our services in connection with credits from persons or entities that can provide or receive such credits in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; the mere fact that a person or entity accepts credit intermediation through ROYAL Pix is not an indication of the legality of the supply or provision of your goods and services, and if you have doubts about the legality of a given transaction, you should not proceed with it.
Clause 5 - Period And TermThis agreement is concluded for an indefinite period, and will come into force on the date of its acceptance by you, USER, in the form of § 5º of Clause 1.
§ 1º. ROYAL Pix may modify, add or remove any clauses or conditions of this contract, immediately replacing the version available on the site by the most updated version and, when the change implies restriction of the conditions initially agreed upon, ROYAL Pix will inform USER of the change, by e-mail, at least 30 (thirty) days before the change comes into effect;
§ 2º. You, USER, expressly recognize when adhering to the present contract that the provision in paragraph 1 of this Clause does not apply to the financial aspects of ROYAL Pix services, so that rates, quotations, fees or any remuneration due for credit intermediation services will be altered and informed exclusively on the ROYAL Pix website, and will come into force immediately from the date of its alteration.
§ 3º. In the case of alterations, under the terms of §§ 1 and 2 of this Clause, you, USER, may rescind the present contract at any time before the alteration comes into force and, if you do not do so, it will be understood that you, USER, have tacitly accepted it.
§ 4º. In order to maintain and meet the most current market requirements, technological development and legal parameters, ROYAL Pix may, at its sole discretion and at any time, change, both in form and content, suspend or cancel any of the services, products, utility
or application, made available by itself or by third parties, including in relation to the service and any of the additional services provided under the terms of this contract.
§ 5º. This contract will be terminated, automatically, regardless of any judicial or extrajudicial notification or interpellation, in case of non-fulfillment by one of the parties of their obligations or inaccuracy of the statements assumed or provided by you, USER, herein or in the contract you have entered into with ROYAL Pix to take its services.
§ 6º. This contract will also be terminated by right, regardless of any notification or interpellation, judicial or extrajudicial, in case you, USER, in any way compromise or put at risk the public image of ROYAL Pix or any company associated to ROYAL Pix in the provision of the service.
§ 7º. If the termination of this contract occurs due to your fault, USER, ROYAL Pix may block your access to the account and to your registration of service and reimburse all costs, expenses, operational charges and eventual indemnities, including judicial or administrative actions in progress, by means of deduction of USER's credits, retaining all credits, until all amounts of your responsibility are calculated; if there is a surplus, after all due compensations and after all amounts of USER's responsibility have been ascertained and Pixed, ROYAL Pix will make a reverse transfer of the remaining credits to the last bank account indicated by the user as source of funds to effect credits in his/her service registration.
§ 8º. The cancelation of this contract, for any reason, will not harm ROYAL Pix's right to have the amounts that may be paid by you, USER, relative to the service provided before the cancelation, nor the right to have the compensation that may be due by USER.
§ 9º. In cases where you, USER, receive, together with the provision of the service, other services provided by partner companies or companies of the same economic group as ROYAL Pix, the termination of this contract will automatically cause the cancellation of such other services, without such cancellation generating any right for the USER to receive compensation.
You, USER, will have the option to exercise the right to repent of the purchase, with the purpose of impeding the transfer of credits, in which case the conditions of the present clause must be observed.
§ 1º. In view of the immaterial nature of credits intermediated by ROYAL Pix, and especially the fact that credits once transferred cannot be recovered by ROYAL Pix, you, USER, by adhering to this Agreement pursuant to § 5º of Clause 1, acknowledge that you have personally purchased credits, as permitted by the final part of item I of art. 428 of the Civil Code, and that any possible repentance in the purchase of credits, exercisable within a maximum period of 7 (seven) calendar days from the purchase, shall only be
valid if the credits have not yet been definitively transferred to the USER's account at the destination site for the credits.
§ 2º. You, the USER, must request the return through the Customer Service (SAC), under the terms of Clause 3.
§ 3º. If you, USER, have already made some pixpayment to ROYAL Pix, and if the situation is eligible for repentance, under the terms of this Clause, the refund will be made by bank deposit, in up to 10 (ten) working days, only in the current account owned by the individual USER.
§ 4º. ROYAL Pix is not obliged to cancel any service that does not meet the requirements set forth in this Clause.
Clause 7 - FORMS OF PIXPAYMENTYou, USER, when joining this contract, recognize that ROYAL Pix will only accept payments in a lump sum, in cash, via bank deposit, and that it is not possible for you to demand any other form or means of payment other than those allowed by ROYAL Pix.
§ 1º. ROYAL Pix does not accept deposits from third parties or legal entities, being your responsibility, USER, to guarantee and make sure that all the Pixamentos are made from accounts of your individual ownership and with resources of your property.
§ 2º. In case the pixpayment made by you, USER, is not valid or has to be repeated for any reason, or if any situation of delay is configured, if the credits have already been transferred to your account, the following charges of default will apply to the amounts owed to ROYAL Pix, from the transfer of credits until the effective pixpayment:
- monetary adjustment by the positive variation of the General Market Price Index of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation - IGPM/FGV;
- moratory interest of 1% (one percent) per month, pro rata die;
- a fine of 2% (two percent) on the total amount in arrears, calculated on the basis of the value of the debt on the date of the effective pixpayment;
- attorney's fees in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of the total amount in delay and of the other pending pixpayment installments.
In the operations of collection, storage, safekeeping, and treatment of records, personal data, or communications by internet connection and application providers, ROYAL Pix guarantees you, USER, that it respects the Brazilian legislation and the rights to privacy, protection of personal data, and confidentiality of private communications and records.
§ 1º. ROYAL Pix guarantees that USER's registration data is not sold, exchanged or disclosed to third parties, except when this information is necessary for the process of
intermediating credits, for billing or for participation in promotions requested by you, since your personal data is essential for the implementation of services offered by ROYAL Pix.
§ 2º. Your personal information, USER, will be handled with the legally required level of protection to ensure its security and avoid alterations, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.
§ 3º. In order to provide services to you, USER, ROYAL Pix collects the following information:
- personal information provided by you, USER, such as first and last name, document number or valid identification, password, nationality, tax identification information and physical and virtual contact information (such as telephone number, home address or e-mail address), whose confidential verification with third parties you, USER, hereby authorize by adhering to this contract;
- information about you, USER, provided by third parties, such as commercial partners, affiliated entities, social networks, and public and private databases, which may be combined with your personal information in order to provide ROYAL Pix services;
- information collected by our systems, which includes the automatic collection and storage of information about your activity, USER, on the internet, the URL from which you come from (whether or not they are on ROYAL Pix's website), the URL you access frequently, the browser you use and your IP address, as well as the websites visited and the searches performed, the use of cookies and web beacons.
§ 4º. You, USER, can always decide not to provide ROYAL Pix with information, but, in general, certain information about you is necessary for the provision of our services; in case you decide not to provide us with certain information, it is possible that you, USER, will not be able to subscribe our services.
§ 5º. At any time, you can choose not to receive cookie files by enabling your browser to refuse them or informing you before accepting them; however, be aware that if you refuse to accept cookies or other information gathering devices, you may not have access to the services offered by ROYAL Pix.
§ 6º. When providing services to you, USER, ROYAL Pix wiil be able to apply your data in the following activities:
- manage the intermediation of credits to and from you, USER, perform the transactions it has initiated and process invoices or other fiscal documents;
- offer you, the USER, products and services and answer your questions and comments;
- send you, the USER, confirmations and updates about your credits, as well as any relevant information, via e-mail, SMS or WhatsApp to the cell phone that you, the USER, have informed;
- to contact you, the USER, in order to provide services, carry out opinion research, statistics or analyses about consumption habits or preferences, notify you by e-mail about special offers and products and services that may be of interest to you, except if you choose otherwise;
- develop internal studies on user interests, behaviors and demographics to better understand your needs and interests, improve our commercial and promotional initiatives, customize your content, presentation and services, display advertising or promotions and banners that are interesting to our users;
- share your personal information with companies belonging to ROYAL Pix group, and the recipient of such personal data shall assume the same obligations as the person transferring such personal data;
- publish on the website, pages of social networks or other vehicles of communication of ROYAL Pix the opinions, comments, statements and suggestions made by you, USER, which may be identified by your full name or nickname, photo, comment and nationality.
§ 7º. By sending us your opinions, comments, statements and suggestions, or providing real photos through the ROYAL Pix website, you, USER, irrevocably transfer to ROYAL Pix all property rights to such photos and opinions; you, USER, can send your opinion anonymously or eliminate it, by communicating with ROYAL Pix Customer Service as provided in Clause 3.
§ 8º. You, USER, guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the truthfulness, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal information provided, undertaking to keep it properly updated.
§ 9º. You, USER, must diligently take all necessary measures to prevent the disclosure of any information, as well as to avoid that such confidential information falls into the public domain, being absolutely forbidden to disclose your password or any of your access data to third parties, even if relatives and friends.
§ 10 The USER recognizes that the duty of confidentiality applies in a special and reinforced form in relation to personal, financial, banking and tax data of customers of ROYAL Pix that eventually has, had or will have access in the exercise of its activities, having the USER a reinforced duty of absolute preservation of such data, being forbidden to use them in benefit or prejudice of itself or third parties.
§ 11. All your personal information, USER, is collected and stored in servers physically located in the United States; ROYAL Pix may in the future relocate such servers to any other country, and may store personal information in the United States or in other
countries, for back-up purposes, providences to which you, USER, expressly and unequivocally consent.
§ 12. You, USER, will only receive promotional bulletins, messages or e-mail alerts about offers from ROYAL Pix if you expressly agree, in the terms of item IV of Paragraph 6 of this Clause; you may cancel your subscription through the link in the e-mail itself, or by communicating with ROYAL Pix Customer Service as provided in Clause 3.
§ 13. The data ROYAL Pix has about you, USER, may be subject to access, cancellation, update, rectification and opposition, to be exercised directly by accessing your account on the ROYAL Pix website, or by contacting ROYAL Pix Customer Service as provided in Clause 3.
§ 14. Although you, USER, are authorized to request the cancellation of your account and the elimination of your personal information, ROYAL Pix will have to retain part or all of the information provided in certain cases, in order to resolve disputes or claims, detect problems or incidents and solve them, and to comply with the applicable legal and contractual provisions; therefore, although ROYAL Pix agrees to use its best efforts, it may occur that not all personal information will be definitively eliminated.
The information revealed by ROYAL Pix to USER, under the terms of the present agreement, will remain solely and exclusively property of ROYAL Pix, so that no provision of the present term shall be interpreted as a license or transfer of patents, trademarks, copyrights, or rights related to industrial, commercial or intellectual secrets.
Single Paragraph. In accordance with art. 435 of the Civil Code, this contract is signed in Apucarana, Paraná, place of its proposition, and the Court of the Judicial District of Apucarana is the competent jurisdiction to settle any disputes between you, USER, and ROYAL Pix.
By agreeing to the Contract for Services, Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, you, USER, recognize and are fully aware that all the following activities are prohibited:
1. Disregard the law, either the Brazilian law or the law of the place where the service is being used, including the norms referring to data transmission and the protective norms of copyright or industrial property;
Act contrary to moral and good customs;
3. Transmit or post information about illegal activities, including transmitting or posting instructions on how to commit a crime or misdemeanor;
4. Incite a third party to commit a crime or make an apology for a crime or criminal;
Use language or images or transmit or post messages or materials that denote or promote prejudice of race, color, ethnicity, religion or origin, or that incite violence or hatred;
Disrespect the rights of third parties to honor, private life, image, and personal and family intimacy;
Use language or image or transmit or proPix message or illegal material, libelous, injurious, defamatory, harmful, abusive, threatening, vulgar, indecent, obscene, or in any other objectionable way;
Transmit or proPix programs and files that contain viruses, including "Trojan horses", or any other code that may cause harm to the recipient or third parties or violate their privacy
Obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to other computer systems or networks connected to ROYAL Pix's service;
Impair or disrupt, or attempt to impair, or disrupt, ROYAL Pix's service or the servers or networks connected to it;
Interfere with the account of another user of ROYAL Pix's service;
Perform any act that imposes a disproportional surcharges on ROYAL Pix's infrastructure;
Copy, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, distribute or disclose to the public any content from the ROYAL Pix website or from the website of any third party, unless previously and expressly authorized by ROYAL Pix or such third party, as the case may be;
Use ROYAL Pix's services for the intermediation of transactions concerning products and services prohibited by ROYAL Pix, including but not limited to:
stocks and other papers traded on stock, commodities or futures exchanges, both domestic and international, as well as any other banking and financial product or service, securities or investment raising;
Animals, as well as their organs, limbs and skin
antennas, decoder systems or any devices whose purpose is to decode television transmission signals by cable, antenna or satellite
databases and mailing lists containing personal data and information sufficient to individualize a person
lottery tickets, raffles, horse or other animal races, illegal bets or any other game of chance without proper authorization
diplomas and certificates;
offering credit or debit cards, active or not, and related services;
unauthorized copies of music, video, audio or any other product
fireworks or any other type of explosive material, that contains gunpowder or that is considered dangerous
hacking and cracking or any devices destined to introduce virus or hack sites or electronic devices;
medicines, of exclusive sale by prescription or not, utensils destined to the production, manipulation or consumption of medicines, including any hospital equipment;
coins and banknotes, as well as any instrument with pecuniary value, counterfeited or forged;
currency exchange or remittance business, including, but not limited to, exchange houses, currency exchange and purchase of travel money;
narcotics, intoxicants, hallucinogenic substances, as well as material for their use or any other related material;
organs, tissues, members and products of the human body;
historical, artistic or cultural heritage, including antiquities, fossils and minerals;
pesticides and insecticides of controlled sale;
products destined to open locks or to perform any kind of burglary;
stolen products, stolen, subtracted in any way, received, smuggled, counterfeit, replicated or adulterated;
products or services prohibited by law;
collection of any kind of donations or Pixamentos for charitable or non-profit organizations;
trading in natural resources such as jewelry, precious metals or stones
sale or supply of alcoholic beverages;
products that depend on prior approval or registration of government agencies and that are not yet approved or registered;
products that infringe copyrights, trademarks, patents, models and industrial designs, commercial or industrial secrets, internet domains, trade names or any other intellectual property rights in any country;
Products that promote or incite in any way third parties to discrimination, crime or violence of any kind;
products that have as objective the alteration, duplication, modification or substitution of the procedure or operation of cellular telephony equipment;
products related to pedophilia, child pornography, nudity of minors, as well as articles that in any way involve the illegal participation of minors;
products under embargo;
anabolic substances and steroids;
motor vehicles that have document restrictions;
controlled substances and/or other products that offer risk to consumer safety;
products or services related to financial pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes, and other tiered marketing programs;
use ROYAL Pix's service to obtain a cash advance (or assist others in such activity);
use ROYAL Pix's service for any purpose contrary to any laws, statutes or regulations applicable to you, including, without limitation, those relating to money laundering, fraud, criminal activity, financial services or consumer protection.
This Service Provision Agreement, Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy is an agreement concluded between you (USER), qualified at the time of registering or contracting the RoyalPix Services, and Royal Pix Empreendimentos Online Eireli M.E., a private legal entity incorporated under the laws of Brazil, CNPJ nº 28.312.053/0001-67, headquartered at Avenida Curitiba, 831, 1º. Andar, sala 01, Apucarana/PR (ROYAL Pix), and regulates the terms and conditions to provide you with RoyalPix Services.
Clause 1 - PURPOSEThe object of the present contract is to regulate the relationship between you, USER, and ROYAL Pix, in relation to all the services provided by ROYAL Pix through the registration of USER in an account of the services of intermediation of virtual credits, establishing Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy that bind both parties.
§ 1º. It is a condition of membership and use of the account that you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy hereby instituted, which form a legally binding contract between you, the USER, and ROYAL Pix, from the moment you sign up to become a User.
§ 2º. The contract signed extends to all associated companies or members of ROYAL Pix's business group, not being limited to the legal entity to which the USER is directly linked.
§ 3º. The provisions of this contract apply fully and indistinctively from the moment of adhesion to the terms and conditions, conditioning the beginning, the conduction and the conclusion of any relations between the parties, and the fulfillment of all contractual provisions established between them.
§ 4º. You, USER, understand that the services of intermediation of virtual credits are object of your contract with ROYAL Pix do not constitute financial services, and that the user accounts are not bank accounts, not applying to your relations with ROYAL Pix any provisions relating to the financial or banking market.
§ 5º. As permitted by art. 107 of the Civil Code, by checking the option "I have read and agree with the terms of Royal Pix's contract" on the form provided by ROYAL Pix, via Internet, when creating your account, you, USER, are declaring to have read and accepted, without reservations, all clauses and conditions of this contract; therefore, the Contract for Rendering of Services, Terms and Conditions of Use, and Privacy Policy constitute a binding legal document between you, USER, and ROYAL Pix, and the Contract shall govern your use of our services in any event.
§ 6º. You may review the current Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy before entering into any transaction at any time by clicking on the "Terms and Conditions of Use" and "Privacy Policy" page on the website that can be visited at
https://royalPix.com/politica-privacidade.html and at https://royalPix.com/politica-privacidade.html as of the date of these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and you represent that you have full access to such documents and have had the opportunity to print and save a copy of the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy for future reference.
§ 7º. You, USER, declare to have full knowledge that your eligibility, in other words, the possibility of you using the services of ROYAL Pix, is conditioned to I - being a user with an active and approved account; II - not violating these Terms and Conditions of Use or, in any other way, having the access to your account restricted, nor having had any previous account closed by ROYAL Pix.
Clause 2 - STATEMENTSBy accepting fully and unreservedly the present contract, especially in the terms referred to in Paragraph 5 of Clause 1, you, USER, declare without any reservations that
- you, USER, are an adult and capable person, fully empowered for any acts of civil life, under the legislation applicable to you in the jurisdiction of your residence;
- your acceptance of ROYAL Pix services is for a lawful and possible purpose;
- your acceptance of ROYAL Pix's services is done freely and without restraint, without any situation of coercion, pressure from any person, error, simulation or state of danger; IV - you, USER, are the only addressee of the services of ROYAL Pix, not acting as an intermediary or middleman for third parties;
- you, USER, were present in the act of creating the account with ROYAL Pix, especially in the act of checking the option "I have read and agree with the terms of contract of Royal Pix", and received immediate confirmation of acceptance or not of your registration;
- you, USER, are not resident or domiciled in any country where the services offered by ROYAL Pix are considered illegal;
- the addresses, phone numbers and e-mail informed when creating the account and in subsequent updates of the registration are active and are monitored by you;
- the addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses informed at the time of the creation of the account and in subsequent registration updates are active and are monitored by you, USER, with adequate frequency;
- you, USER, have complied and still comply with all our necessary procedures of validation and verification of identity and security.
ROYAL Pix permanently makes available to you, USER, the USER Service, through which you can solve your doubts and present requests about information, complaints, suspension or cancellation of services.
§ 1º. It is up to you, the USER, to properly access the USER's Customer Service, relying on the following options:
- online chat, available during business hours on ROYAL Pix's website, https://royalPix.com/;
- e-mail, to be forwarded by you, USER, to the address contato@royalpag.com.
§ 2º. Upon receiving your contact through the channels described in the previous paragraph, ROYAL Pix will immediately confirm the receipt of your demands by the same means employed by you, USER; in case the confirmation is not received, it will be exclusively up to you, USER, to re-submit the demand, since your contact was not received through our communication channels.
Clause 4 - OBLIGATIONS OF THE USERBy adhering, in the ways described, to the present contract and to the Terms and Conditions of Use that are part of it, you, USER, fully assume the following duties and obligations:
- to supply complete and updated information by means of the requests of the site in the process of registration, quotation, acquisition and redemption of credits, updates and other information provided;
- proceed with care and attention in the process of requesting the services of ROYAL Pix, entering accurate and truthful information, being solely responsible for this information;
- correctly inform the username of the site for which you requested the intermediation of credits, making sure to have checked and revised the correct text of the username;
- to fully maintain, for the entire duration of its relations with ROYAL Pix, the conditions set out in Clause 1 and the declarations made in Clause 2, with special attention to the regularity of its conduction with ROYAL Pix and other companies in the same industry;
- use the services of ROYAL Pix exclusively on its own behalf, never acting on behalf of a third party;
- taking all the necessary measures so that your username or password will not be used by someone else;
- never use the username or password of a third party, or allow a third party to use your username and password
- never change the machine's address, or the network or e-mail IP (Internet Protocol), in an attempt to blame or act on behalf of a third party or to conceal its identity or authorship;
- performs transactions only if he/she is economically able to afford the costs and expenses related to both the transactions performed and the use of ROYAL Pix services; X - observe all the legislation of your country applicable to the operations that you participate, so that you, USER, cannot perform illicit operations, contrary to morals or good customs, or that you know or should know are null or void;
- can never open more than one account, so ROYAL Pix may, without prior notice, close any or all accounts of a USER who has, or we may reasonably suspect has, unauthorized multiple accounts;
- promptly update your account details whenever your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, credit card or bank account information changes;
- never perform, through ROYAL Pix services, any of the activities prohibited or not accepted in this contract, especially the activities described in Annex I.
§ 1º. In view of the obligation of you, USER, to correctly inform the username on the site for which you request credits, under the terms of item III of this Clause, it is hereby defined that ROYAL Pix shall have no obligation to refund or re-credit made in incorrect accounts due to incorrect information about the username or any other data.
§ 2º. By obligation that you, USER, always keep the regular conditions and declarations provided, under the terms of item IV of this Clause, it is hereby defined that ROYAL Pix may withhold values and credits if you, USER, or any other depositor in your favor, have any pending issues with ROYAL Pix or any other company in the industry, or in any way fails to comply with the obligations established by this contract.
§ It is your, USER, and not ROYAL Pix's, responsibility to ensure that you only obtain our services in connection with credits from persons or entities that can provide or receive such credits in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; the mere fact that a person or entity accepts credit intermediation through ROYAL Pix is not an indication of the legality of the supply or provision of your goods and services, and if you have doubts about the legality of a given transaction, you should not proceed with it.
Clause 5 - Period And TermThis agreement is concluded for an indefinite period, and will come into force on the date of its acceptance by you, USER, in the form of § 5º of Clause 1.
§ 1º. ROYAL Pix may modify, add or remove any clauses or conditions of this contract, immediately replacing the version available on the site by the most updated version and, when the change implies restriction of the conditions initially agreed upon, ROYAL Pix will inform USER of the change, by e-mail, at least 30 (thirty) days before the change comes into effect;
§ 2º. You, USER, expressly recognize when adhering to the present contract that the provision in paragraph 1 of this Clause does not apply to the financial aspects of ROYAL Pix services, so that rates, quotations, fees or any remuneration due for credit intermediation services will be altered and informed exclusively on the ROYAL Pix website, and will come into force immediately from the date of its alteration.
§ 3º. In the case of alterations, under the terms of §§ 1 and 2 of this Clause, you, USER, may rescind the present contract at any time before the alteration comes into force and, if you do not do so, it will be understood that you, USER, have tacitly accepted it.
§ 4º. In order to maintain and meet the most current market requirements, technological development and legal parameters, ROYAL Pix may, at its sole discretion and at any time, change, both in form and content, suspend or cancel any of the services, products, utility
or application, made available by itself or by third parties, including in relation to the service and any of the additional services provided under the terms of this contract.
§ 5º. This contract will be terminated, automatically, regardless of any judicial or extrajudicial notification or interpellation, in case of non-fulfillment by one of the parties of their obligations or inaccuracy of the statements assumed or provided by you, USER, herein or in the contract you have entered into with ROYAL Pix to take its services.
§ 6º. This contract will also be terminated by right, regardless of any notification or interpellation, judicial or extrajudicial, in case you, USER, in any way compromise or put at risk the public image of ROYAL Pix or any company associated to ROYAL Pix in the provision of the service.
§ 7º. If the termination of this contract occurs due to your fault, USER, ROYAL Pix may block your access to the account and to your registration of service and reimburse all costs, expenses, operational charges and eventual indemnities, including judicial or administrative actions in progress, by means of deduction of USER's credits, retaining all credits, until all amounts of your responsibility are calculated; if there is a surplus, after all due compensations and after all amounts of USER's responsibility have been ascertained and Pixed, ROYAL Pix will make a reverse transfer of the remaining credits to the last bank account indicated by the user as source of funds to effect credits in his/her service registration.
§ 8º. The cancelation of this contract, for any reason, will not harm ROYAL Pix's right to have the amounts that may be paid by you, USER, relative to the service provided before the cancelation, nor the right to have the compensation that may be due by USER.
§ 9º. In cases where you, USER, receive, together with the provision of the service, other services provided by partner companies or companies of the same economic group as ROYAL Pix, the termination of this contract will automatically cause the cancellation of such other services, without such cancellation generating any right for the USER to receive compensation.
You, USER, will have the option to exercise the right to repent of the purchase, with the purpose of impeding the transfer of credits, in which case the conditions of the present clause must be observed.
§ 1º. In view of the immaterial nature of credits intermediated by ROYAL Pix, and especially the fact that credits once transferred cannot be recovered by ROYAL Pix, you, USER, by adhering to this Agreement pursuant to § 5º of Clause 1, acknowledge that you have personally purchased credits, as permitted by the final part of item I of art. 428 of the Civil Code, and that any possible repentance in the purchase of credits, exercisable within a maximum period of 7 (seven) calendar days from the purchase, shall only be
valid if the credits have not yet been definitively transferred to the USER's account at the destination site for the credits.
§ 2º. You, the USER, must request the return through the Customer Service (SAC), under the terms of Clause 3.
§ 3º. If you, USER, have already made some pixpayment to ROYAL Pix, and if the situation is eligible for repentance, under the terms of this Clause, the refund will be made by bank deposit, in up to 10 (ten) working days, only in the current account owned by the individual USER.
§ 4º. ROYAL Pix is not obliged to cancel any service that does not meet the requirements set forth in this Clause.
Clause 7 - FORMS OF PIXPAYMENTYou, USER, when joining this contract, recognize that ROYAL Pix will only accept payments in a lump sum, in cash, via bank deposit, and that it is not possible for you to demand any other form or means of payment other than those allowed by ROYAL Pix.
§ 1º. ROYAL Pix does not accept deposits from third parties or legal entities, being your responsibility, USER, to guarantee and make sure that all the Pixamentos are made from accounts of your individual ownership and with resources of your property.
§ 2º. In case the pixpayment made by you, USER, is not valid or has to be repeated for any reason, or if any situation of delay is configured, if the credits have already been transferred to your account, the following charges of default will apply to the amounts owed to ROYAL Pix, from the transfer of credits until the effective pixpayment:
- monetary adjustment by the positive variation of the General Market Price Index of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation - IGPM/FGV;
- moratory interest of 1% (one percent) per month, pro rata die;
- a fine of 2% (two percent) on the total amount in arrears, calculated on the basis of the value of the debt on the date of the effective pixpayment;
- attorney's fees in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of the total amount in delay and of the other pending pixpayment installments.
In the operations of collection, storage, safekeeping, and treatment of records, personal data, or communications by internet connection and application providers, ROYAL Pix guarantees you, USER, that it respects the Brazilian legislation and the rights to privacy, protection of personal data, and confidentiality of private communications and records.
§ 1º. ROYAL Pix guarantees that USER's registration data is not sold, exchanged or disclosed to third parties, except when this information is necessary for the process of
intermediating credits, for billing or for participation in promotions requested by you, since your personal data is essential for the implementation of services offered by ROYAL Pix.
§ 2º. Your personal information, USER, will be handled with the legally required level of protection to ensure its security and avoid alterations, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.
§ 3º. In order to provide services to you, USER, ROYAL Pix collects the following information:
- personal information provided by you, USER, such as first and last name, document number or valid identification, password, nationality, tax identification information and physical and virtual contact information (such as telephone number, home address or e-mail address), whose confidential verification with third parties you, USER, hereby authorize by adhering to this contract;
- information about you, USER, provided by third parties, such as commercial partners, affiliated entities, social networks, and public and private databases, which may be combined with your personal information in order to provide ROYAL Pix services;
- information collected by our systems, which includes the automatic collection and storage of information about your activity, USER, on the internet, the URL from which you come from (whether or not they are on ROYAL Pix's website), the URL you access frequently, the browser you use and your IP address, as well as the websites visited and the searches performed, the use of cookies and web beacons.
§ 4º. You, USER, can always decide not to provide ROYAL Pix with information, but, in general, certain information about you is necessary for the provision of our services; in case you decide not to provide us with certain information, it is possible that you, USER, will not be able to subscribe our services.
§ 5º. At any time, you can choose not to receive cookie files by enabling your browser to refuse them or informing you before accepting them; however, be aware that if you refuse to accept cookies or other information gathering devices, you may not have access to the services offered by ROYAL Pix.
§ 6º. When providing services to you, USER, ROYAL Pix wiil be able to apply your data in the following activities:
- manage the intermediation of credits to and from you, USER, perform the transactions it has initiated and process invoices or other fiscal documents;
- offer you, the USER, products and services and answer your questions and comments;
- send you, the USER, confirmations and updates about your credits, as well as any relevant information, via e-mail, SMS or WhatsApp to the cell phone that you, the USER, have informed;
- to contact you, the USER, in order to provide services, carry out opinion research, statistics or analyses about consumption habits or preferences, notify you by e-mail about special offers and products and services that may be of interest to you, except if you choose otherwise;
- develop internal studies on user interests, behaviors and demographics to better understand your needs and interests, improve our commercial and promotional initiatives, customize your content, presentation and services, display advertising or promotions and banners that are interesting to our users;
- share your personal information with companies belonging to ROYAL Pix group, and the recipient of such personal data shall assume the same obligations as the person transferring such personal data;
- publish on the website, pages of social networks or other vehicles of communication of ROYAL Pix the opinions, comments, statements and suggestions made by you, USER, which may be identified by your full name or nickname, photo, comment and nationality.
§ 7º. By sending us your opinions, comments, statements and suggestions, or providing real photos through the ROYAL Pix website, you, USER, irrevocably transfer to ROYAL Pix all property rights to such photos and opinions; you, USER, can send your opinion anonymously or eliminate it, by communicating with ROYAL Pix Customer Service as provided in Clause 3.
§ 8º. You, USER, guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the truthfulness, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal information provided, undertaking to keep it properly updated.
§ 9º. You, USER, must diligently take all necessary measures to prevent the disclosure of any information, as well as to avoid that such confidential information falls into the public domain, being absolutely forbidden to disclose your password or any of your access data to third parties, even if relatives and friends.
§ 10 The USER recognizes that the duty of confidentiality applies in a special and reinforced form in relation to personal, financial, banking and tax data of customers of ROYAL Pix that eventually has, had or will have access in the exercise of its activities, having the USER a reinforced duty of absolute preservation of such data, being forbidden to use them in benefit or prejudice of itself or third parties.
§ 11. All your personal information, USER, is collected and stored in servers physically located in the United States; ROYAL Pix may in the future relocate such servers to any other country, and may store personal information in the United States or in other
countries, for back-up purposes, providences to which you, USER, expressly and unequivocally consent.
§ 12. You, USER, will only receive promotional bulletins, messages or e-mail alerts about offers from ROYAL Pix if you expressly agree, in the terms of item IV of Paragraph 6 of this Clause; you may cancel your subscription through the link in the e-mail itself, or by communicating with ROYAL Pix Customer Service as provided in Clause 3.
§ 13. The data ROYAL Pix has about you, USER, may be subject to access, cancellation, update, rectification and opposition, to be exercised directly by accessing your account on the ROYAL Pix website, or by contacting ROYAL Pix Customer Service as provided in Clause 3.
§ 14. Although you, USER, are authorized to request the cancellation of your account and the elimination of your personal information, ROYAL Pix will have to retain part or all of the information provided in certain cases, in order to resolve disputes or claims, detect problems or incidents and solve them, and to comply with the applicable legal and contractual provisions; therefore, although ROYAL Pix agrees to use its best efforts, it may occur that not all personal information will be definitively eliminated.
The information revealed by ROYAL Pix to USER, under the terms of the present agreement, will remain solely and exclusively property of ROYAL Pix, so that no provision of the present term shall be interpreted as a license or transfer of patents, trademarks, copyrights, or rights related to industrial, commercial or intellectual secrets.
Single Paragraph. In accordance with art. 435 of the Civil Code, this contract is signed in Apucarana, Paraná, place of its proposition, and the Court of the Judicial District of Apucarana is the competent jurisdiction to settle any disputes between you, USER, and ROYAL Pix.
By agreeing to the Contract for Services, Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, you, USER, recognize and are fully aware that all the following activities are prohibited:
1. Disregard the law, either the Brazilian law or the law of the place where the service is being used, including the norms referring to data transmission and the protective norms of copyright or industrial property;
Act contrary to moral and good customs;
3. Transmit or post information about illegal activities, including transmitting or posting instructions on how to commit a crime or misdemeanor;
4. Incite a third party to commit a crime or make an apology for a crime or criminal;
Use language or images or transmit or post messages or materials that denote or promote prejudice of race, color, ethnicity, religion or origin, or that incite violence or hatred;
Disrespect the rights of third parties to honor, private life, image, and personal and family intimacy;
Use language or image or transmit or proPix message or illegal material, libelous, injurious, defamatory, harmful, abusive, threatening, vulgar, indecent, obscene, or in any other objectionable way;
Transmit or proPix programs and files that contain viruses, including "Trojan horses", or any other code that may cause harm to the recipient or third parties or violate their privacy
Obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to other computer systems or networks connected to ROYAL Pix's service;
Impair or disrupt, or attempt to impair, or disrupt, ROYAL Pix's service or the servers or networks connected to it;
Interfere with the account of another user of ROYAL Pix's service;
Perform any act that imposes a disproportional surcharges on ROYAL Pix's infrastructure;
Copy, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, distribute or disclose to the public any content from the ROYAL Pix website or from the website of any third party, unless previously and expressly authorized by ROYAL Pix or such third party, as the case may be;
Use ROYAL Pix's services for the intermediation of transactions concerning products and services prohibited by ROYAL Pix, including but not limited to:
stocks and other papers traded on stock, commodities or futures exchanges, both domestic and international, as well as any other banking and financial product or service, securities or investment raising;
Animals, as well as their organs, limbs and skin
antennas, decoder systems or any devices whose purpose is to decode television transmission signals by cable, antenna or satellite
databases and mailing lists containing personal data and information sufficient to individualize a person
lottery tickets, raffles, horse or other animal races, illegal bets or any other game of chance without proper authorization
diplomas and certificates;
offering credit or debit cards, active or not, and related services;
unauthorized copies of music, video, audio or any other product
fireworks or any other type of explosive material, that contains gunpowder or that is considered dangerous
hacking and cracking or any devices destined to introduce virus or hack sites or electronic devices;
medicines, of exclusive sale by prescription or not, utensils destined to the production, manipulation or consumption of medicines, including any hospital equipment;
coins and banknotes, as well as any instrument with pecuniary value, counterfeited or forged;
currency exchange or remittance business, including, but not limited to, exchange houses, currency exchange and purchase of travel money;
narcotics, intoxicants, hallucinogenic substances, as well as material for their use or any other related material;
organs, tissues, members and products of the human body;
historical, artistic or cultural heritage, including antiquities, fossils and minerals;
pesticides and insecticides of controlled sale;
products destined to open locks or to perform any kind of burglary;
stolen products, stolen, subtracted in any way, received, smuggled, counterfeit, replicated or adulterated;
products or services prohibited by law;
collection of any kind of donations or Pixamentos for charitable or non-profit organizations;
trading in natural resources such as jewelry, precious metals or stones
sale or supply of alcoholic beverages;
products that depend on prior approval or registration of government agencies and that are not yet approved or registered;
products that infringe copyrights, trademarks, patents, models and industrial designs, commercial or industrial secrets, internet domains, trade names or any other intellectual property rights in any country;
Products that promote or incite in any way third parties to discrimination, crime or violence of any kind;
products that have as objective the alteration, duplication, modification or substitution of the procedure or operation of cellular telephony equipment;
products related to pedophilia, child pornography, nudity of minors, as well as articles that in any way involve the illegal participation of minors;
products under embargo;
anabolic substances and steroids;
motor vehicles that have document restrictions;
controlled substances and/or other products that offer risk to consumer safety;
products or services related to financial pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes, and other tiered marketing programs;
use ROYAL Pix's service to obtain a cash advance (or assist others in such activity);
use ROYAL Pix's service for any purpose contrary to any laws, statutes or regulations applicable to you, including, without limitation, those relating to money laundering, fraud, criminal activity, financial services or consumer protection.